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Trauma Resilience in UK Policing


In August, Dr Jess Miller caught up with Professor Neil Greenberg to talk about how easing in restrictions brings responsibility back to organisations and individuals to consider Covid resilience and how this also plays out in trauma management, especially in the Emergency Response sector. The three components of peer support, trauma-informed leadership and reflective practice are celebrated as evidence-based resilience qualities that we can all beneft from. To see and watch more on Twitter click here

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Author's story

26 January 2024

The Marshwood Vale magazine of the South West features a front cover piece on Dr Jess Miller and how she found herself working in trauma resilience. To read a bit more about how the personal meets the professional, honouring the trusted adage "Re-search is Me-search", click here.

BLOG: The Policing Mind one year on

22 June 2023

Here Dr Jess talks about how her first book The Policing Mind: Trauma Resilience for a New Era has had impact since 2022: Transforming Society ~ Getting inside the policing mind In doing so, the book as been passed to the Home Secretary in the hope of further change to our police service being more trauma informed and open...

The Lancet featuring our trauma resilience project and trauma impact prevention techniques (TIPT)

23 March 2023

We are absolutely delighted to share that our project has featured in an essay by Jules Morgan in The Lancet Psychiatry on 21st March. Here is an extract : "People are only just starting to talk about complex PTSD, but we need to act now, says Jessica Miller (University of Cambridge, UK, and Police Care UK), Principal...

More project talk...