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Trauma Resilience in UK Policing


On Thursday 9th April Jess had the privilege of talking with Dr Rick Hanson about trauma resilience for Police during the Covid19 pandemic. Listen here

Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a psychologist and New York Times best-selling author. He’s been an invited speaker at NASA, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, and meditation centers worldwide. His books are available in 28 languages and include Resilient, Buddha’s Brain, and Just One Thing.  His work has been featured on the BBC, CBS, and NPR. His new book Neuro Dharma offers new insight into the human brain and resilience like never before. 

One (very excitable) Dr Jess Miller and Rick spoke at length to the issue of trauma resilience for the brain in the extraordinary conditions of pandemic, offering practical tips for officers on the front line -as well as sound advice for leadership on how to embed resilience and develop the policing brain through the wider culture of policing as we move through and out of Covid19.

The interview and key guidance for Chiefs, leaders, officers and staff will be coming soon and more information about resilience and our work can be found at and by following @millerjessicak and @policecareuk on Twitter using #Covid19TIPT and #policingbrain throughout the pandemic. 

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