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Trauma Resilience in UK Policing


Dr Jess Miller delivered a training seminar on how to look after and get the best out of officers as key witnesses during serious post-incident procedures.

The presentation introduced the hippocampal memory system and its application in trauma processing and memory consolidation. Suggestions were presented and discussed for enhancing PIPs guidance (APP) regarding:

  • Minimising spatial and episodic recall at Stage 2 and 3 
  • Managing trauma impact from 48 hours to 28 days
  • Assessing trauma impact on memory using validated screens at Stage 4
  • Maximising memory consolidation and achieving best evidence at Stage 4 using spatial and episodic information processing techniques (maps & timelines)
  • Allowing submission of further consolidated and therefore updated spatial and episodic material from Stage 4

Lively engagement ensued with 220 attendees from SIOs and firearms officers to lawyers, federation reps and the IPCC.

Further information can be found via the PFOA Newsfeed

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