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Trauma Resilience in UK Policing


Police Care UK and the PFEW have worked with the University of Cambridge to produce the first UK Police Traumatic Events Checklist (PTEC) designed to represent the most frequently reported "worst jobs" which officers and staff experience in the service. The tool is being congitively tested in 2021 to demonstrate its value in use in non-clincal (operational) settings in policing and will be tested for its capacity to predict Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD in 2022. PTEC is ready to use for: self-assessment of trauma load, to initiate trauma-informed supervisions and peer support activity, to facilitate risk management, to support initiatives such as TRiM and to help individuals prepare to access treatment for trauma exposure on the job. To read more, see the paper here or visit Police Care UK.

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